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Oh Christmas Tree

A dazzling 10 foot tree that will be the center of all your family holiday gatherings. The children will love laying underneath gazing up at all the lights. And the adults will enjoy the little giggles while admiring the tree's stature and glow.

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Where Needed Most

When those in need cry out for help, Operation Blessing rushes to the rescue thanks to your support of our Where Needed Most fund.

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Monthly Giving

Give the best gift ever—join the blessing movement and provide help and hope when and where it is needed most throughout the year. As our thanks, we will send you a handcrafted olivewood cross made in the Holy Land!

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Life-Changing Surgeries

Children and adults around the world desperately need surgeries they just can't afford. Help today by giving life-changing surgeries where they are needed most!

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Feed the Hungry

The face of hunger may surprise you—and be closer to home than you ever imagined. Today, you can help provide food around the corner and across the country for families in need right here in the US.

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Heal the Sick

For the poor, a battle with a minor illness or injury could cost a life. But you can change that! Join the fight to bring medical care to aid the least of these.

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Give Clean Water

Lack of clean water is one of the greatest health crises our world faces today. You can change the world with your gift of clean water today.

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Disaster Relief

Hurricanes, earthquakes, pandemics, and other disasters leave heartbroken victims reeling in the aftermath. Today, you can be their hero by supporting disaster relief efforts around the world.

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Help Persecuted Christians

Many of our Christian brothers and sisters are suffering for their faith around the world. Will you help reach them with your gift of hope today?

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Small Business Support

Provide food security to hungry families by supporting microenterprise small business initiatives that provide a long-lasting hand up, not a hand out.

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Fight Human Trafficking

You can come to the rescue of trafficked men, women and children with your gift to Operation Blessing's anti-trafficking fund. And, with your help, we will continue the work of preventing trafficking in at-risk communities.

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